Story Seeds: November Flash Challenge Week 3

Welcome to week 3 of the November Flash Challenge. A quick recap of the aim: take one or both of the following images as inspiration and write a story. Feel free to adhere as close or deviate as far from the inspiring image(s) as works for you. (Same goes for the length guidelines — this is intended as a flash fiction challenge, but you need not use it as such.)

Story Seed #5

“?:?” by pchelag, aka Krzysztof

Questions to Consider (Don’t read these if you don’t want your imagination polluted by my vile words): What is happening in this scene? Who/what is in the foreground? Who/what is in the background? What do the people (beings?) in this scene want, where are they going, where have they been? WHY?

Story Seed #6

“The Queen of the Night” by SnowSkadi

Questions to Consider (Don’t read these if you don’t want your imagination polluted by my vile words): What’s with all those candles? Who is this woman? What is she thinking, feeling, doing? What does she want? Where is she? Is anyone with her? Who? WHY?

That’s it for this week. Good writing!

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